Sunday, April 5, 2009

Funny Kid

Last week at church Eli and Carli got to make General Conference packets (Genius!). The packets included coloring pages, a bingo game and other activities to keep them occupied during conference. All week long Carli was asking, "Mom, is it conference day yet?"

They were most excited to play "Conference Bingo" and we bought some gummi bears at the store to use for markers on the game board. As conference started, Eli asked, "Mom, has the game started?" I told him, yes, the game started as soon as conference started, so they got to mark off the word prayer because the open hymn was "Secret Prayer". They were both so excited to get to put a gummi bear on the board.

Then the choir started the hymn and Eli turns to me, very bothered and says, "Mom! What are they doing singing a song in the middle of the game?"



Allie said...

Ha! Yes, conference packets are the best. Our ward sends them home with little cookie or candy marker, but my kids eat them the day they get them so we have to go to the store anyway...If I had your email address in my address book you would have gotten a bonus conference packet. I get one from a friend every 6 months via email and forward them on. We use one for Saturday and one for Sunday, I would love to send you one in the fall, but I would need your email. (wink, wink)

Jana said...

LOL, that is hilarious! My kids weren't as lucky as yours. They just colored their bingo boards.

Micaela said...

Hahaha!! That's hilarious! :) Yeah, Ashelyn got to "X" everything off. I think we'd have a war over gummy bears... :)

Jeannie Young said...

That is so funny! I'm glad your kids were into the conference packets, mine weren't too thrilled. I should have printed them out way ahead of time to get them excited about it, instead I thought of it mid-day on Sunday since I was desperate for something to keep them occupied. It didn't work. I struggle with watching conference, my kids don't make it easy. Good think I LOVE reading the talks in the Ensign because I sure don't get much out of the live version!

The Toronto Family said...

HA HA HA!!! so funny!