Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mr. Marathon

In the past year or so, Ben has really come to enjoy running (who knew that that chubby kid would grow up to be a runner?? And yes, Ben was a chubby kid!). As he started getting better and better and being able to run farther and farther, he decided that he would like to train for a marathon.

His training started a few weeks ago and he has registered for a marathon in Brookings, South Dakota on May 16th. He'll be deployed to Japan for March and April, so he'll be able to train out there with no distraction from us. I have no doubt that he'll do well and be super prepared for the race. The other day he ran three miles in 22 minutes! That's only 7 1/2 minutes a mile! That is crazy fast if you ask me! I'm proud of him and I can't wait to see him cross the finish line.


Lisa said...

Your the man Ben! Ilove the running outfit!!! That doesn't draw attention while running does it?

Jeannie Young said...

He looks awesome, I'm sure he will do really well in marathon. Good luck to him!