Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sammy's Milestones

Walking! Sammy was a super early crawler and he became very proficient at it. He has been able to walk for some time now, but didn't really feel the need. Last week though, he finally just stood up and did it and now he's zooming around all over the place. Yay for Sammy!


Jana said...

A woman after my own heart! I hate messes, too. Especially sticky ones. We only have waffles or pancakes (or anything with syrup) right before the kids are going to jump in the shower, and they're 8 and 5!

Pedersen Posse said...

How did Sammy get so grown up? Didn't you just have him? Man time sure flies by. Cute pics. You're going to have your hands full all too soon. ;)

Liz King Bradley said...

Aaaw! What a cutie, and such an independent little boy! Robert is the only one of my kids that has shown absolutely no interest in dressing himself..he's almost four. I make him do it anyway, but it takes some bribery!!!

Jeannie Young said...

He is so big! Walking and climbing?! You life just got busier!! =) Aaron is a climber too and sometimes it drives me crazy, especially since he's figured out how to push a chair over to the kitchen cabinets and get into everything!